Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Remind me about what??

I just want to say this to a good friend of mine.

I'll be there when you're down.
I am always here when you're lonely.
I know that you're not in a good mood right now.
Someone has hurt your feelings, I guess.
But hey, just forget it. It's the nature of life.
Friends do come and go. Just let them be.
It's hard to take care of everybody's feelings.
You said you're a good pretender.
Well, how about emotionally ? ;P
Don't let other people affects your life.
If they want you, okay "Step on fren..".
If they don't, fine kthxbye.
You can walk by yourself. No problem.
Because we will never leave you. ;)

I love peanut butter and bread. The simplicity of it makes it so irresistable and so heavenly you just can't have only one. Huuuu. You can tell that I've been eating a lot of it since yesterday when I bought bread and peanut butter out of boredom.
I had such a tough time waking up this morning @_@ but somehow I managed so yay me! I was planning to sleep early last night (well, earlier than usual) after I updated my blog but, yerp, you guessed it - I didn't. Ended up sleeping around 3 a.m. Why? Cuz I was watching cinemax while 'sms'ing him...it's 3am and im not yet asleep and not even pack my bags yet. lalala

So..this morning,
mom: nanie dont u pack yr things already??
me: oppss..okay mak i will packing tonite..takde moodlaa!
mom: make
sure buat!! (uishh..)
abg: syg dah abis pack barang? abg
ptg nie..esok gi kl dah..kemas betul2 jangan ade yang tertinggal (sound's familiar laa;-P)
me: abg,syg kemas tonite.

Hmm..everbody be concerned on me?? just because of packing things or..?? hmm..i'm thinking..

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