Monday, March 27, 2006

i'm back!!!
before this..
too lazy to write down things
even tooo lazy to read others..
i'm full!

this semester really killing me..
each class dem bored!
whut's going on??
why i'm the lucky one to get really bored lecturer?
huh..i dunno....@_@

some more..i didnt tell about my gathering rite.. well, it was fantastic time that i've ever had..*wink*
even there were only 5 people where as everyone brought their boyfriend?? hehehe...but somehow we really enjoyed our time!!
hurm..dunno how to describe in proper situation hehehe..any how i actually really worried bout him(my syg) because he never met them all..
so curious when suddenly he told me that he wants to accompanied me..wah!! (^_^) then i gave him a big smile..yay!!
well, thanks dear.. u did a good job..hehehe...
i shall leave this for u there.. wink!!

Each day I live..
I want to be a day to give
The best of me I'm only one but not alone..
My finest day is yet unknown I broke my heart..
Fought every gain..
To taste the sweet..
I face the pain..
I rise and fall..
Yet through it all this much remains

To Allah i pray..

Grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change things I cannot accept,
And the wisdom to hide the bodies
of those people I had to wipe out today
because they ticked me off.

And i beg for Allah help me
to be careful of the toes I step
on today as they may be connected
to the butt that I might have to kiss tomorrow...

P/s: last but not least.. some photo in dat gathering day (^_^) *grin*

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