we won...finally..ahhh lega sgt!!
my group of product development
Pada 6hb, 7hb dan 8hb mac, kami berdua balik mersing nak settlekan borang nikah. Tapi 7hb tu, abah ajak kiteorg ke umah akak kt kemaman..almaklumla, umah akak baru siap..hehehe..ni kt bwh nie, Nur Maisya Damia a.k.a professor..tp skrg nie die dah suka senyum.. nicela umah akak, kirenye puas hatila sbb ade compound yg luas, ble bt umah lg satu ;-) So balik jer dari umah akak, we both settlekan pemilihan baju pengantin dan pelamin kt mersing. Ptg ahad tu plak kami bertolak ke skudai untuk settlekan kt sane plak. So i stayed one nite there, unfortunately xle nak settle sbb butik tu busy dgn pelanggan lain, so we decided to come again next week. Bile pkir susah btul nak buat preparation nie, sbb both of us kena korek masa sendiri. Kadang2 sedih jugak sbb some of friends tak paham ape yg kite lalui..which made some misunderstanding.. nasib baik abg amat memahami masa belajar nanie. But at once he's also getting bored when what've we planned cant work proper just because i had something to do with my study (test,discussion on final project etc.) That's why, i have to be strong..manage it pro and try to arrange my time for every purpose. So tough tau...sampai nangis rasenye...;-( by da way, setiap masalah tu, ade jalan penyelesaian..itu yg selalu bermain di kepala besides pray to Allah. Memang mencabar bila kawan2 mula meminggirkan kite, the reason because i'm not show a good performance in group..yelaa..weekend jer balik mersing..balik skudai, so memang stressful la. Well skrg nie, alhamdulillah semua dah selesai, product development pun dah launching..gmbar ade kt atas..so hopefully, after this, my relationship between frens getting better..really hopes tht. (",)
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