Friday, December 16, 2005


Hmm..tomorrow my parent come back from out station..very pleased wif that news!! Same wif ibu (my syg's mom) back from malacca(kampung) hehehe...on da other hand, we all tak lagi dapat telefon (gayut??;-)) lelamer as previous days nie..wah lawak plus smart plus naughty jugak yerk abg nie..ibu takde mulaler nak kol kwn sana..kwn sini abg nak kena yer??hehehe..(well i'm just kidding!!). I'm having fever laa now ;-/ (ade hikmahnye)
Hmm..i'm telling u my closed fren already got a job..i'm very happy wif that yatie!!
That msg(sms) exactly camnie laa <'Nani, aku dh dpt keje kat audit firm at tmn tun, KL..doakan aku tau'..
Hopefully u will comfortable wif a new environment yatie!! Be a smart and good worker..cayok! cayok!
My final result will come out on 21st Dec, i dont feel anything yet..
Just now i was talking wif my sayang about our t-shirt(business) i quite nervous but i hope our dreams not just a dream, InsyaAllah!!

...@>----miss him :-*

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