Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hari-hari tgk tv.. nak tau akhir citer SpaQ camner..
Hari nie dah nak balik shah alam..
Hari nie berpisah dn kimmy ;-( slalu tiap2 malam tido dgn die.. mesti rindu bangat nanti!
Hari-hari jd tukang masak kat umah.. mesti mom abah iya n iwan rindu masakanku hehehe..
Anyway.. xsabar nak pasang langsir! kat umah aku and da most kat umah abg ;-) jahit sendiri..even not an expert person but puas hati woo hehehe..tibe2 dah jd hobi dah offer jahit curtain raya taun dpn..aisey! huhu...
Hari tu hari raya haji, semua balik..abg fizi and akak..even banjir, tp balik jgk..ikut jln alternatif yg suppose 3jam ble smpi tp sbb nk celebrate punye hal jd 9jam.. fuh!! tabik spring sama akak n family..hahaha!
Ni masih pikir camner nak berpisah dgn kimmy nie!! cedihnyeeee.....
Naik sem nie..azam dpt result lebih bagus..dh dpt warning dr abg!!
28hb nie.. cant wait kan darling!! (^-^)
Merry Christmas to steph and and foong!
Happy New Year guys!!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Hi guys.. tahun 2007 semakin meninggalkan kite. Tahun baru akan bermula.. tapi, masih banyak lagi impian belum tertunai dan akan carry forward tahun 2008. Ade kucing baru kat rumah..Kimmy panggilan abah bagi. Ade masa akn dipostkan gmbr Kimmy ;-P

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Beshhnye..exam dah over. Boleh lepak umah lamer2. Abg, taniah sbb dapat kerja tetap d UKM.. i'm so proud of u.. hopes, ape ayng dirancang oleh kite berdua and family kite akan berjalan dgn lancar.. Amiin!! Keje rajin-rajin darling..:-*

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The final exam is just around the corner..
"Ya Allah persiapkanlah hambaMu ini dengan pemahaman dan ingatan pada segala pembelajaran yang aku pelajari siang dan malam. Kau berkatilah segala usahaku ini, sesungguhNya Kau Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Besar."
My first paper will be on 22nd of October. Really scared but i promise, i will do my best.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hello guys..
Frankly speaking, i really enjoy every advertisements which brought by Petronas especially during Hari Raya's kind of humanisme..sense of moral value that can make me feel think and determine sumting..And for this year..once again my heart again and again guys,

Well, today 3 Syawal.. all my family be gathered at my new home. Akak and abg fizi pun baru hari nie nak balik beraya bersama2 kami. Very happy.. dah lamer sgt tak bersua muka..berpeluk cium..dgn anak2 sedare. Rindu sgt-sgt maktih pada korang bertiga. And i have a gud news.. insyaAllah.. next year, anak sedara akan bertambah lagi 2 org.. akak n kak ida serentak pregnant. :-P their due date will be on May next year, alhamdulillah.
One more thing, today merupakan hari pertunangan my bestfren yati and aus. For yati, "I'm truly sorry my dear sbb aku and apiz xdpt menghadiri hari sejarah korang. As i told u earlier.. today also my mom nak buat warming house..tahlil skit bersama family (adik-beradik abah). And apiz plak.. dia masih beraya bersama family di Melaka. But dont u worry..insyaAllah when yr coming wedding day..we will be there! that's apiz's word.So, semoga korang diredhai dan diberkati oleh Allah. Hadapi hari2 yang mendatang ini dengan iman yang kuat. Slamat bertunang dari aku and apiz."
Till then..

Friday, October 12, 2007

How time flies, day after tomorrow it will be Eid'l Fitri. So I'm here wishing you..
Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin
May the blessings of Ramadan continue to shower upon us as we celebrate its ending! =) Besides, I am trully sorry for the unconstant updates.. I wish i might write more here.. but it seem my schedule lately has come too tight.. So i only manage to write while i really have time and sumtimes during my lab as a free time...
As most of us was acknowledge about our 1st astronout stories.. YES.. We had a blast on October 10 (last wednesday).. i am among those citizen who would like to convey the feeling of proud for his achievement and wud like to congratulate Dr Sheikh Muszaphar .. and apart not to forget Kpt. Dr Faiz.. Basically they both are nuthing much differ from us.. They just another ordinary fella breathing on earth.. but wat makes them different is chances.. and how they take part of the chances given.. plus the courage and the unweavering belief they have along the way to keep them standing... That seperates them from others.. About Dr Sheikh Muszaphar... His 'eager'ness about space started since he was 10.. later it wasnt a surprise to learn his favorite saying is "What the mind believes, the body can achieve".

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

SO TRAAagiccc!!... the first word came thru my tongue when discovering a news reported a kid was killed horrifically..NURIN's body!!! then her body was stuffed into a sport bag..I cried..:-(
I feel badly sad when i saw her picture in the news paper.. even in death...though her battered face clearly revealed her bruised.. her face look so innocent and angelic... Am questioning myself... Why does the people dare to treat her such that.. their act is all beyond wat we as a normal human can think.. Beyond horrific.. beyond.. barbaric.. beyond evil.. who is the culprit?? Didnt they have any sense? All the question flooding in my thought over the day.. sucha horrendous fate for her... I pray to Allah to safe her soul.. and let the soul be in peace.. i pray that police wud find the devil soon.. and they shud be penalize fairly..
al-fatihah to nurin..

Well, about me.. am going back my home sweet home by next week 8th of october. hehe.. to my new house to be sms from mom sounded very happy being in own house..since after all my dad n mum very critically thinking to settled down and my brothers n sisters superb agree with them at last..
Okie, on this Saturday after test abg n me going berbuka at kl with some frens.. and hopes on Sundays my plan with mariam n yatie will come true..we all dh plan nk shopping raya hehehe...basically when am think back at my kiddo time, there's a lot things that i cant forget :-) the moments with my mum n sis bought baju raye..;-P
Mmm.. okie.. next week will be abg's besday.. what shall i buy for him? last year bj melayu...this year am still clueless...but even i back early than him expect..but dun worry honey.. i still want to celebrate yr besday this weekend :-p with indulgence cake? hehehe... daa~

Saturday, September 15, 2007

3 Ramadhan
Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak to all:-) I hope this Ramadhan yg diharapkan membawa seribu satu keberkatan dlm kehidupan. InsyaAllah.
Final semester just around the corner..possiblely, to have fulfil this in fasting month with this tough situation make me become stronger. But i think i not good enough to handle it alone. But it's ok, abg with me here to help and somehow it'll push himself to listen all my stuff.. tQ darling:-) I wish am at home..with mom..abah..iya..n iwan..
This i post a lyric of one of my fav song from

Brothers - RAMADHAN

Bertemu kembali dengan Ramadan
Kurasakan bahagia menyelubungi
Ya Allah daku bersyukur
Kau pertemukan aku semula
Ramadan yang mulia
Di Ramadan Ya Allah
Rahmatnya ku rasa
Banyakkan beribadah
Ku tahu pengampunan Mu
Melangit tinggi
Ramadan rahmat dari Ilahi
Banyakkan beribadah dan berdoa
Hapuskan dosa tingkatkan pahala
Semoga beroleh nadirah
Semoga kita menjadi hamba yang setia
Ramadan menyedarkan aku
Kesusahan yang dialami insan lain
Ramadan ujian Ilahi
Mengajar erti kesabaran dan kesetiaan
Andainya ini Ramadan terakhir bagiku
Kuharap ianya 'kan membela ku di akhir nanti

I found this from one of my fren's blog..
Kategori Pembaca Al-Quran dalam 24 jam adalah seperti berikut:
1. Muqatasin(Jutawan) 300-1000 ayat
2. Faizin (Berjaya) 200-299 ayat
3. Qanitin (Setia) 100-199 ayat
4. Hafizin (Pemelihara) 50-99 ayat
5. Zakirin (Ingat) 10-49 ayat
6. Ghafilin (Lalai/leka) 0-9
so guys..which yr level do u prefer....?

Pagi2 td tetibe teringat pada NURIN. Kanak2 yg masih belum ditemui. Kelmarin byk btol paper siarkan cerita Nurin. Rupa nye birthday Nurin. 1 Ramadhan. InsyaAllah ada hikmahnye.I read on how the family tetap masakkan dish kegemaran 'Kak Ngah', panggilan Nurin di rumah. Suddenly rasa seday sgt. I couldn't imagine mcm mana perasaan family Nurin esp the parents bile lebaran nnt? Kehilangan anak tanpa khabar berita.Walaupun mungkin berpunca dari kecuaian mereka sendiri but betapa mahalnya harga yg perlu dibayar. Nauzubillah. Mintak dijauhkan Nurin dari segala keburukan. Okie.. mane nak bukak puase hari nie? hmm.. abg dh point me nmpknye..hehehe..kena perah otak laa cr tmpt..okie daa~

Friday, August 31, 2007

Hahaha... sedapppnye.. this pic which taken by abg at secret recipe Klang. To fulfill craving desire..both of us decided went here. Some our favorite cake n brownie.

me: nak lg...

he: sabr..sabr..later yer..
haiya..i cant wait la..teruklaa aku nie..hahaha... okie laa Selamat merdeka to Malaysian..My abg syg bwk ronda dataran merdeka before start event tu around six.. so crowded with people all ages all around M'sia.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hey =p..Its been a long while am not writing anything here..hehe...hmm..sumone asked me juz now "nanie, ape citer ko?".. well usually when we bumped into sumone..this question is the most we'll ask. So, basically the cerita tht i wud share with ppl is actually depends on "closeness" we had.. the bond we share over time.. So apart from i let them to dig out all the story.. apart fr that i try to avoid sumthing that made me felt bad. But sumtimes..i just said.."nothing.." hehe =p abis cerita..
I've tonnes of assignment to complete..uwaa!!! ;'( every assignment should comes with presentation!! satu2 dulu..calm yrself..that's will be ok if u do wisely..time management is the important.
Hari merdeka ni planning balik be exact, i will shift to a new house next week:-) seronottnyer.....insyaAllah!!

Merenung sejenak...
"Bila engkau memandang segalanya dari Tuhanmu, yang menciptakan segalanya, yang menimpakan ujian, yang menjadikan sakit hatimu, yang membuatkan keinginanmu terhalang, serta menyusahkan hidupmu... Pasti akan damailah hatimu, kerana masakan ALLAH sengaja mentakdirkan segalanya untuk sesuatu yang sia-sia... Bukan ALLAH tidak tahu deritanya hidupmu, retaknya hatimu, tapi mungkin itulah yang DIA mahu kerana DIA tahu hati yang sebeginilah yang selalunya lebih lunak dan mudah untuk dekat dan akrab dengan Nya..."

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Now i'm uitm shah lab comp with cooling temperature.. fuh!!! sejuk nyer.. abg n me smbg jgk at last..he's doing forensic and me food tech.. well.. i'm craving KFC now..waaaa!!! lapar! okey..smbg nanti.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

" Walaupun kekdg kite rase syg dgn ape yg kita ada.. walaupun kekdg kita rase xsanggup nak kehilangan apa yg kita ada skrg.. tp keadaan sgt menekan dan kita tau kita kene berubah.. perlu ade turn point... so terpaksa laa kita berkorban.. tp percayalah.. di sebalik awan yg mendung pasti akan ade sinar mentari.. Bukankah mmg Allah aturkan alam ini sebegitu..Only Him know the best for us.."

When i turn back.. i dont know whether i should regret..because i knew, i've already gave my best for everything i did before. Abg dan aku dapt smbg bljr lg.. di tempat yang masing2 bt pengorbanan. Abg buat keputusan, taknak smbg bljr and he want to run our business.. Okie, taknak ckp benda seday2 lagi. Aku akan daftar balik 7 july.. means i'll become a student lg.. Hmm, tp kini it's just a such different.. coz' i'm not only student but ade syarikat sendiri.. tp abg nak aku focus pd study 100%.. aku taknak perkara yang lepas berulang kembali.. deeply inside my heart i wanna every my plans come true.. insyaAllah. Sumone asked me.. "kawin time blaja? boleh ker? " Ermm.. let me put it this way.. whateva is, this kind of things refer to can u carry or accept the responsibilities. So i guess, am ready for that..kalau dah ade rezeki, insyaAllah.

There's a secret path I follow
To a place no one can find
Where I meet my perfect someone
I've kept hidden in my mind
Where my heart makes my decisions
'Till my dream becomes a vision
And the love I feel
Makes him real someday

This is a soundtrack actually.. comes from Ally McBeal.. tibe2 teringat plak..i love this song at once.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I'm home =) hehehe.. i just back yesterday. Jiwa meronta-ronta nak balik. Nasib baik abg pun bg green light. Sajer nak lepas rindu kt mak abah iwan iya n sibing (my cat) pulak. Hurmm.. umah tak siap lagi.. lambatnye siap!! Ahhh so wonderful to be at home.. cossy.. ermm enjoying moment at home that is wat i always do.. Never get bored here.. Sorry to darling sbb this is yr turn plak tgal sorang2 kt sane, if u read this, i gonna miss u abg!:-)
Last weekend was really packed.. hari Sabtu 19 May, aku dgn abg join satu seminar keusahawanan kat Hotel Heritage, Ipoh. Well.. yang bestnye kpd abg,En. Abdul Hafidz Bin Kamaruddin.. ini adalah kali pertama die menjejakkan kaki ke bandar Ipoh..hmm, tapi tak sempat nak ronda2 sbb time's it's too limit. Seminar tu anjuran PNS start 9 am - 5 pm. Banyak jgk yang kami dapat sepanjang hari tu, berkaitan dgn industri francais. Okla..not bad jgk laa sbb free je seminar tu..makan pun not bad jgk ;-) hehehe.. mesti abg senyum lebar kalau bc nie.. teringat la memori kami di sana. Balik jer sampai kul 8.30pm..trus di dinner tapi cari tmpt baik punyer sbb nak tgk final konsert AF5. Ye laa.. abg skrg ni dh demm AF. Asyik2 citer pasal AF..hmm, layan jelaa. Jgn mare abg:-) wassup..wassup..line clear... hehehe!!
Hari Ahad pulak, kami gi Shah Alam tgk Sara and Uya ade Hari Sukaneka. Kelakar btul budak2 kecik nie..dua2 rumah sukan kuning..hehe..same laa dgn mak tih nie. Yg uncle apiz die nie asyik sakat2 dorang jer..jd camera man ye. Nanti ble post gmbr cni ;-p Sukan tu abis kul 12pm so trus gi institut baitumal teman abg ade pameran tak byk pun booth die. Jd, tak brape best laa.. abg ajak balik. Tp sbb perut lapar kami melantak cake indulgence kt Secret Recipe n KFC. Trus bli tiket balik mrsg..
Hurmm, xtau lagi brape lame kt cni. To my rumates (mariam+yatie) if u guys read my blog.. i wanna tell u guys..i've missed both of u!!! Tak tau laa skrg nie asyik teringat kat membe2 lamer...dr sek pilah..uitm jengka..n lastly shah alam.. to ika n asba.. rindunyee kt korang semua!! Nina, my old fren kt sek men tg afzan kuantan dulu..she's a nurse now!! wow.. dah nak tunang 23rd of June i wish u all da best..semoga majlis tu bjalan dgn lancar.. dont ask me plak bile..InsyaAllah kalau ade rezeki yang murah..
Anyway.. i wakes up everyday wit a wish that my present day would be better than yesterday.. As a saying 'Yesterday is a HISTORY.. Today is a PRESENT.. Tomorrow is a GIFT.. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum melainkan kaum itu sendiri.. Jd, be yrself n always think positive way.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hurmm.. i miss my home so much.. been 4 months away..since am cramp wif schedule.. cedihhhh.. tak pe laa.. sekali sekala made sum sacrifices.. save the best for last! nway gotta call fr mum n dad last evening... just keepin update of each other..i wanna go homeeee!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Whose's baby?? hehehe.. well last week i was going to sri muda, shah alam hmm steph's parents inlaw. So this is the first time i met her daughter, Jeziel 3 months alrealy..:-) so sweet..she's being so nice!! Cute!! Steph now being a mummy!! yay!! (^_^) well that's not a big deal being 23 years old and got a child.. i wish too..huhu!! A lot of exprience that we shared from them hehe.. honey, u've got listened from josh rite? ;-) hehehe.. So steph.. be a good mother yaa!! I've missed our time together. Hopefully there's a chance for us to meet again..
Okey.. for this entry..for better for worst... this is what am goin to say.. after years.. been keeping it for years then only now i realised of how much important one for me.... But sum people says.. "If luv the bird, let it fly... and so i will let it fly as it wish.."the future is yet is unknown.. and am so afraid to know that i would lost it is better if i let it fly.. because i believe if it is mine it will always be mine..Let time tells it stories..

I do swear that I'll always be there.
I'd give anything and everything
and I will always care.
Through weakness and strength,
happiness and sorrow,
for better, for worse, I will love you

always.. becos once i open my heart i wont close it..
but too bad i never let him to discover about tht..
am too scared.. am afraid of rejection.. am afraid of being misinterpret..
maybe it is best if i keep it away.. but i wont deny it with my heart.
Take care honey!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Sudah lame tidak memanjakan jari tangan ni menitipkan sesuatu di sini. Kemalasan menguasai diri sejak akhir-akhir ini. Walaupun peluang sentiasa di depan mata sekarang namun masih malas untuk menulis. Nak di katakan tiada cerita..hmm banyak sangat bersarang di kepala.. cuma tak tau nak mulakan mcmmane kan..
I'm home..pelik ker? tak sebenarnye hanya ingin merehatkan diri..diri yang terlalu penat..selain itu, kononnye untuk mencari idea untuk urusan perniagaan nanie dan abg. hmm.. mungkin dapat selesailah perjuangan kami ini secepat yang boleh. Jauh betul perjalanan kami nie daripada bidang sains tibe2 menjinakkan diri ke bidang perniagaan. Tapi rasenye semua orang tau bidang perniagaan lebih banyak menjana pendapatan. Tapi tidaklah kami sia-siakan ape yang kami pelajari, kami tetap akan bekerja di dalam bidang sains..cuma perniagaan nie sbg sampingan sahaja. Hmm.. rumah masih lagi dalam pembinaan sudah 50% siap.. tak sabrnye nak pindah rumah baru hehehe..
Okielaa..chow dulu..tak tau nak tulis ape lagi.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I just come back to normal life.. yeah..i mean am now at kl and waiting for the next step. So..okie..i dont have any good story to tell here.. but i will going watching movie..perhaps.. hehehe..ghost rider??

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I'm bloody bored now.. sitting in front of this pc almost 3 hours now and i just dont have proper mood to entry here. But i'm thinking.. i should do something. Abg still be a baby sitter of three kids out there ;-) i dont have an idea how sweet he is..huhuhu.. carry out the responsibilities like now..hopes he will be "ayah mithali" one day..Amin! :-) cant hardly wait to see him next week.
Oh ya.. my housemate, Mariam smsed me last nite and she told me she's already resign that job. In particular way, i think she's now choose the right option because i officially doesnt like her job (i dont want to tell what job she's joined before but it's sound like in investment field).. one of the reasons, she's probably more suitable to choose the job that yati had offered her once. Whatever is, hopefully she knows what is the best for herself.
As usual..after i woke up this morning, had my breakfast..abah bought me mihun goreng then finished the laundry stuff..started prepared for lunch..picked iwan at his school.hmm, now everything had changed, i mean the town so trafic..busy..soo iwan keeps his eyes more than myself when i'm driving..*wink ;-p u know like..

iwan: weh uni(called me 'uni' means 'sis'..slowlaa sket..banyak keta nie..
me: shut up!!

This thing always happened..;-| plez dont blame me if i drive fast because of i used to have that with my dad and my big bro..well they like to speed all the times..hahaha ;-) Someone asked me,"Apiz (my syg) drive laju tak?" hehehe..hmm, i just smiled. Well..he sometimes did the same also ;-P
Okie..i continue later..bye!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hi guys.. today 14th February.. hmm guess what?? people says today is "love day".. Valentine Day.. Hmm but guys, i used to never for celebrating this sorry to say this ya.. anyway, and alhamdulillah my syg (abg) do as same as my thought ;-) there's nothing to celebrate this Valentine.. and as a Muslim, i think everybody knows already rite..but it's depends on your own thoughts.. But to me, there are a lot's of another options for u to show your love.. hehehe but not in this Valentine :-P Sorry guys...(^_^)
"It might sound too good to be true, but things don't have to be hard in order to be worthwhile..." Yaa I wish so.. but things never stumble on ur feet that easy.. i've found this from one of my frens. I'm now at sweet home mersing.. yaa i dont know what to tell u but i'm happy with what i'm taking now. Anyway.. yesterday i met my old fren, uyul..we both in da same bus, hmm it's been almost 4 years we not keep in touch.. adegan 'jejak kasih' plak smlm:-) abg sempat luangkan masa temankan nanie di pudu smlm..well recently we both not always meet as before because right now we have our own work and those things need to be settled in different ways. So insyaAllah after this Chinese New Year, everything will be normal again..rite honey..
Now the clock keeps ticking.. it is 2 in the morning.. and i cant help myself to lay down..mayb i got slept too much this afternoon. I'm looking back..and thinking of what i did before..what i did right..what i did wrong to myself..looking back and fwd.. try to search w'ther i had missing sumthing.. Ooouuhhh.. i keep on baring my head this lately with sumthing... try to make it.. and am trying to be as wise as i can..i dunno w'thr i deserve sumthing good in life.. but i believe tht Allah would always heard to our prayers... So all i need is to be strong and stand still.. regardless of what people would say.. all i want now (and it is for sure) is at least not to let them down... Seeing dad and mum smiling..
I want to share a lil' bit about my work experience being a sales woman. Hmm, it's quite tough u know when we just to start to promote the things we sell then people just ignored u and said " No! Thanks!" hurm.. at that time, i've no idea to express my feelings..That's not only that.. many new things that i've learned. How to communicate with all folks of people from makcik cleaner to CEO..from stall to 5 star restaurant..from a malay to a korean people.. from a kid to pakcik-80 years old.. therefore, i have to use different words to different people. Actually so far, these experiences already polished my commucation skills and also teached me how to interact with these people and it's working u know..hehehe. And one more when i got a chance to be a clinic nurse..The reason why i quit coz they didnt give me time to pray and even that i quit that job. After the last day i worked there, i've phoned abg and told him everything.. i didnt given any rest..cant pray bully with two staff there..So the conclusion we made up..just quit. Hmm.. at least i more familiar with a few names of drugs(ubat)..and also the price of every treatments ..huhu ;-p Okie.. honey, hopes u fine there..miss u like crazy.. So i guess till here..daa!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007 long time i've not been here.. macam2 yang telah berlaku tau.
nak citer all rasenye cam xcukup masa coz now i'm at cc. To tell u bout work experience so far it's not easy thing, but must have a gut to face it!! WORK.. WORKPLACE.. hmm it's hard for me even though it's takes a lil' bit time but naturally can makes me feels how lucky me then..jd sales woman.. jd nurse kat clinic hehehe.. very funny at times but i got a lot of experience.. the precious..the value ones..
Maybe abg and me will running bigger business in few coming months, so these experiences actually courage me to be more talented and optimistic. Ok..

Monday, January 22, 2007

Abg and me just went to lake titiwangsa and supposed everybody came to watch Eye on Malaysia which is located strategically at the edge on Titiwangsa Lake, Kuala Lumpur. It’s very similar to London Eye and has been unveiled in conjunction with Visit Malaysia Year 2007 on January 6, 2007 by Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Hurm..we both taken sum photo together that nite. The bloody ferris wheel not look like a real eye on's seem to be just an eye on Titiwangsa..:-) i dont know laa.. so many people getting there!! that crowd of people almost made me impatient but as we reached there and spent a lil' bit time together it's became lovely.. sitting together beside the lake and staring the bloody ferris wheel hehehe..(^_^)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sorry it's quite a long time am not blogging here.. actually last Saturday, abg got an accident. But's not really bad. Abg cuma ade luka2 kt kaki kanan dan tangan kiri. Tapi kaki tu tak bleh nak bengkok so kena urut sbb bengkak. So rite now, he's getting to resign his work soon. Pasal sambung study hopes there's a chance for him..ini semua rezeki masing2kan..ok laa semoga honey cepat sembuh!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Thank God,Almighty am still alive.. we just waive a goodbye to 2006. How u feel that? Happy? Sad? humm, i felt nothing, the best word can i phrased my feeling "neutral".. neither happy nor sad. When i looking back there's a lot of bad things went to my life whether thin or thick it suffered me. There's also a lot of good things went to my life which makes me always laughed at times. Too much memories. I've learned more about myself..more determine of what actually i seeking in my life.At least i feel grateful of what i attain now..i can stand to make sure my down feeling become normal back..i can afford it. Never say 'am not good enough'..i hate this phrase!! I know that currently i still keep on maintaining my quality of life path.Everyone know am a big gal now..not a kid anymore. So that i have to make a decision which can bring me in a good space someday. Like mom said, "life must goes on..the light is still on and the show still run... and this coming year of cos would promise a lot more excitement..all u have to do now..just prays" So i guess i should put more gain more. Yesterday, i spent time with abg, of course because he was off day. We went to klcc and midvalley to study the worklife, to see people count on how much they need to hiring people in different fields. Okie, every day might not be good.. But there's sumthing gud in every day..=P